KIEV. April 26. UNN. In Reni (Odessa region) local resident scaring cats, several times hit the window of the neighbor’s houses. This was announced by the Department of communication of the police of Odessa region, reports UNN.

As reported by law enforcement officers, they asked 51-year-old resident of the city of Reni and reported that someone shot at the Windows of his house.

“The scene immediately went investigative team of Reni’s police Department. Militiamen saw that, indeed, is one of the Windows of a house that overlooks the city, a small family riddled with bullets. In addition, under the window was found metal fragments similar to shells from them,” – said the press service.

Given the direction of their flight, the police “released” 56-year-old local pensioner. During a search of his home turned out to be that person for my own pleasure got a considerable collection of dangerous “toys”.

“He seized two hunting rifles and fifty cartridges, one air rifle and seventeen metal balls, six home-made knives, a five-pound metal container with pellets and a plastic shot with a bolt and two bullets. The entire Arsenal sent on it is judicial-ballistic examination, which will show its technical condition, and also point out, from what weapon shot. As for its legitimacy, it permits for the guns man was not provided. In his defense, the offender explained that in total darkness dispersed from the yard of other people’s cats, so don’t see where’s love,” added the police.

On this fact data are brought in the Unified register of pre-trial investigations under part 4 of article 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. By results of examination will be considered the issue of attracting men to justice. The pretrial investigation proceeds.

We will remind, militiamen have opened murder of the businessman, which occurred in March at the Lutheran street in Kiev.