KIEV. May 2. UNN. Anonymous said about mining of the Kiev district court of Odessa. The check information on a mining wasn’t confirmed. It is reported by UNN with reference to the Department of communication GUNP Odessa region.

“At 16:50 on the line “102” received an anonymous message that the Kiev district court of Odessa is mined. On a scene left it is investigative-task force of police, dog handlers with dogs and employees of explosive control GUNP”, – stated in the message.

The evacuated 150 people. As a result of explosive substances or devices not found. The work of the court resumed.

See ALSO: IN the center of Odessa from the man withdrew an object that looked like a grenade

Recall, the police detained the man who reported about mining of the building of the SBU in the city of Energodar of Zaporizhzhya region.