KIEV. August 31. UNN. The inhabitants of one of houses of Odessa are asking the court to impose a fine for the destruction of the barrier in the Parking lot of a contender in 2014 for the post of President of Ukraine, ex-the candidate in mayors of Kiev and Odessa Darth Vader more than 6 thousand UAH. About it reports a press-the centre of judicial authority of Ukraine, peraldi UNN.

“Osmd “WHITE SAIL” addressed to Malinovsky district court of Odessa a court with a claim for the recovery of Vader Darth Nikolayevich of the amount of damages in the amount of UAH 6098,00 caused by the willful destruction of the barrier of the Parking, which is the common property of the condominium co-owners of “WHITE SAIL”, – stated in the message.

As noted, yesterday held a preparatory hearing. The defendant filed a statement of defence. Representatives of plaintiff asked the court to suspend the preparatory court hearing to respond to the opinion.

In this regard, the preparatory judicial hearing is postponed on September 26, 2018 at 11: 00.

We will remind, the Deputy head of “Internet party of Ukraine” Darth Vader in Mar 2014, filed documents for registration as a candidate country, but the CEC refused to register him.

28 APR 2014 the representative of “Internet party of Ukraine” Darth Vader have registered as a candidate in mayors of Odessa and Kiev city territorial election Commission 30 APR 2014 registered as a candidate in mayors of Kiev.

In October 2015 e-petition to the President on the appointment of Darth Vader, the Prime Minister of Ukraine gathered more than 25 thousand signatures.