The court is now operating normally.
In Odessa because of the threat of explosion from the courthouse evacuated 100 people / photos Odessa from-for false report about mining of the court were evacuated of about 100 people.

As reported the UNIAN in head Department of the National police in the Odessa region, today at about 10.20 spetsliniyu “102” received an anonymous message that the building Malinovsky district court, located on the street Vasyl Stus, 1/And mined.

See also Dnipro “mined” three station and metro

On the scene left the investigative team, dog handlers and employees of explosive service.

The facility was stopped, all employees and visitors – about 100 people were evacuated from the building.

It is noted that during the inspection no explosive devices or substances are not detected. The court is now operating normally.

The issue of opening of criminal proceedings under article 259 of the Criminal code (obviously untrue report on preparing explosion, arson or other actions which threaten with death of people or other heavy consequences) which prescribes punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term up to 6 years. The same act, if it entailed grave consequences, or committed repeatedly, – shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term up to 8 years.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on December 13 in Kiev “mined” the building of the Deposit guarantee Fund and Obolon court.