According to the lawyer, the city is indirect financing of terrorism.
Activists have appealed to the corresponding statement in SBU photo UNIAN

In Odessa there is a network of paid Parking lots, the income from which get fighters fighting on the side of the terrorist organization “DNR”.

Read targetpackage of the Russian Federation and the militants on the day of Unification of the Cathedral are planning to hold processions with the provocations.

As UNIAN correspondent, this was stated by the famous social activist, lawyer Artem Kartashov today in Odessa during a meeting of the temporary investigative Commission of the Verkhovna Rada to investigate information concerning attacks on Catherine Gandzyuk and other social activists.

In particular, according to him, the current situation in Odessa for the last 4 years is a real threat to the national security of the Ukraine.

He gave several arguments. For example, according to Kartashov, one of the precedents is directly related to the fighting now on the side of “DNR” members of the Pro-Russian Rodina party leader Igor Markov is now hiding in Russia.

“In Odessa there is a network of Parking lots and Parking lots that control the people of the Rodina party, including that now get money from these Parking lots, but with the arms are in the East of Ukraine. Is Vadim Savenko and Igor Kushnir,” said Kartashov.

According to him, the Odessa city Council provides for the signing of contracts for the Parking lot to certain individuals, provides them with benefits of 80-90%, thus funding those who are in the Donbas kills the Ukrainian military.

Kartashov noted that public men were treated with the appropriate statements to the city hall where they were told that the contracts had been rewritten. But, according to the lawyer, the result has been that the documents are simply converted to another representative of the same firm.

Noting that activists have appealed to the corresponding statement in the SBU, he promised to provide copies of the documents of the Commission BP.

The social worker also focused on the situation of military airfield “School”, construction of which began the conflict in 2017.

“What happened is 90 of 214 hectares of public land transferred under residential and public buildings. And parallel processes in Transnistria – the Russians regained the military airport in Tiraspol, which can accept any types of planes and to place any weapons. At the same time in the Odessa military airport, the only one that “works” in the Transnistrian area under threat of development,” stressed the lawyer.

Also, according to him, in October 2017, the group of people demolished the fence protecting the airfield “School”, what they “helped” the National police, and the head of the regional Glaucus Dmitry Golovin stated that they provided a public order.

“Just before the order was complete military unit, once the order is in construction on the territory of the airport”, – said Kartashov.

He added that there are many such examples and they all show that being in Odessa is not the laws of Ukraine, and the city is indirect financing of terrorism.