Photos In New Zealand a major terrorist attack: shot three dozenPhotos: 1NEWS.COM.UA

At the time of capture in the mosques remained about 200 and 300 people respectively

15.03.19 19900

In the new Zealand city of Christchurch has committed a mass shooting. Killed at least three dozen people. Still the same with various injuries taken to hospital.

As reported New Zealand Herald, armed men entered in the mosque of al-Nur and Lynnwood, located next door, around 13:45 local time (03:46 CET) just after a day of prayer and blocked the exit.

At the time of capture in the mosques remained about 200 and 300 people respectively. After this, the attackers opened fire on defenseless people. Criminals even arranged an online broadcast from the scene of the shooting, which lasted 17 minutes.

Arrested one of the shooters. 28-year-old Aussie Brenton Tarrant holds far-right views. He also wrote a Manifesto in which he outlined his radical views.

Video stream began when the gunman pulled up on a beige van to the Masjid al-Nur on deans Avenue and parked it on the adjacent road. In the video, the arrow shows that in the front seat and in the trunk of a car is a weapon, ammunition and cans of gasoline.

  • See ALSO: IN Syria two explosions: 13 people were killed, many wounded


Shortly before the attack Tarrant called on social networks to kill German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

City police urged citizens not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. All schools in Christchurch are closed.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern on 15 March called “one of the darkest days in the history of the country.”

As previously reported by the Focus:

  • In Cairo (Egypt) killed two security forces and two others were injured after suspected terrorist blew himself up near a mosque.
  • Victims of a car bomb in Mogadishu (Somalia) were at least 25 people.
  • After the tragedy with a tourist bus in Egypt conducted a sweep of the terrorists.