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In Kharkov 666 residential and social sector in two districts of the city were left without heating because of accidents on heating systems. Reports a press about it-service gschs.

According to a report in Kamyshenskom area of the city on 24 February, there were two burst pipes main heating system, re-the accident happened on February 25 at night.

“Without heating remained 605 high-rise residential buildings, 26 schools, 21 kindergarten, 14 hospitals (4 hospitals). As of 7:00 25 Feb left without heating 144 object – 129 homes, 7 kindergartens, 5 hospitals and 3 schools, ” – said in Derinc.

Maintenance is done by emergency responders KP Kharkiv heat networks and ZHILKOMSERVIS.

According to the hydrometeorological center, in Kharkov today, February 25, 14-16 degrees.

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