Photos, videos In Kharkiv the police are looking for bombs in two high-rise buildingsPhoto:

Residents were evacuated, on-site work vzryvotehniki

17.12.18 336000

In Kharkov the police checks the information about mining of two residential high-rise buildings in Kharkov Saltovka district. House searched, about two hundred residents were evacuated. This writes the city’s website

The message on the bombs in the basements of the houses on the street Valentine entered the Netpolicy about ten in the morning.

At the scene to verify the information left investigatory-operative group and cynologists with dogs, forensic experts and bomb experts.

Also mnogoetazhku off the gas.

  • See ALSO: IN London the police have found two pipe bombs

Anything suspicious while they are not found. Residents stand on the street for more than two hours. To return to the apartment they are not allowed.


Recall that in early November, unknown reported bombs at three stations in Kiev: Central, the city and the bus station. Nothing suspicious explosives not found.