
Information about bombs in Kharkiv airport received about 09:00.
In Kharkov from the airport evacuate citizens from-for messages on mining / photo Unionplace check the message on mining of the International airport “Kharkiv”.

As reported in the Department of communication of the police in Kharkiv region, information about the laying of explosives in Kharkiv airport received about 09:00.

Was carried out the evacuation of citizens from the airport and the inspection of premises and adjacent territory.

During the inspection, specialists examined 20 thousand sq. m of premises and 5 thousand sq. m adjacent territory. Were also evacuated 589 citizens.

“During a thorough examination of the premises and adjoining territory of any explosives or dangerous substances law enforcement officers are not found,” – said in the message.

Currently, the issue of qualifying the events in the Criminal code of Ukraine.

As reported the UNIAN, on April 25 because of reports about mining evacuated the capital airport.