Experts on ancient artifacts’m afraid now that the details of the will try to silence, to hide as much detail as possible about the event.

A group of scientists during the excavations found the remains of a giant. They reached a height of 8 meters, reports “Диалог.UA” with reference to the “League news Russia”.

Only one long stop was 120 centimeters.

Conspiracy theorists admit that the official science now tries to carefully hide any details of the incident to the birth of the people on the Blue planet (Earth – ed.) no one tried to rethink.

As you know, the world of science has witnessed several true facts about what remains of ancient giants are simply exterminated.

For example, in the last century, was completely destroyed remains of giants in the Smithsonian Institute.

Experts say that in this way the supporters of the traditional theory of human evolution to protect their basic dogmas.

It is possible that the results of studies of the remains of the Ecuadorian tries to hide. Moreover, they can just destroy it if you reveal facts that are contrary to mainstream science.

We will remind, inhabitants of New Zealand gave the skeleton of an unidentified monster.

It was also reported the sensational discovery of the remains on the red planet.