Horses and cows were the most dangerous animals of AustraliaPxHere

For 10 years they brought to the grave, more people than sharks, snakes and crocodiles put together

05.12.18 55100

Although Australia is home to many venomous and bloodthirsty animals, the statistics show that the most deadly to humans are horses and cows, writes ABC.

According to the Australian Bureau of statistics, in the period from 2008 to 2017, they are brought to the grave, more people than sharks, snakes and crocodiles combined. So, from the attack of horses and cows on the continent killed 77 people. From the bites of poisonous insects – 27. Sharks and other marine life killed 26 people, snake – 23, dog 22, the crocodiles – 17.

  • See ALSO: to live to see grandchildren. 5 animals at risk to remain only on the pages of books

Given that the population of Australia is more than 24.5 million people, we can say that the odds of dying from the attack of any animal on the mainland is irrelevant.


In 2017, the report States that the most common cause of death among Australians – coronary heart disease, die from it every tenth. In second place – senile dementia and Parkinson’s disease, the third – diseases of the blood vessels of the brain.

We will remind, inhabitants of Melbourne was taken to a local veterinary clinic, a baby possum, remarkably similar to the pokemon Pikachu.