Have CIV proykov National forum “Transformation of Ukraine”. PR
Uncategorized June 27, 2017
We are talking about TSE in sweet Еспресо.TV.
The fate of forum took Narodni deputies, predstavnici Uryadov that to a b_znes, Zarubin experti the public activtty. The stench discussed stvorennya Dolgosrochnogo plan of development of Ukraine, scho VSI usgovt Otchizna Zahn ntsatsi for NASA development of the country. CIM opcrations I odnoimennyi Deparlments Forum scho Ob DNA parlamentaru Ukraine, Polish the Lite toscho.
“In tsiy castin – adaptation Ukrayinsky legislature – mi maximum Ob Denali susella I Vdovin rank adaptively zakonodavstvo Ukrainy to the quiet standarts, yaki yea in Clubbing I in, pochinayuchi z of the rule of law , Severski umovami vedennja to a b_znes, investitsionnogo klimata toscho. This is naprapac je duzhe valuim”, – nagolovu President USPP Anatoly Cnah.
Naperedodni delegation from the National Forum held low sustra z Lite vysokoporodistyh Polish. Have Warsaw vdbase three third-party samt on yakomu I zapechatyvanie stvorennya new Deparlments the marketplace.
“Mi gotov I Nadal Delicia Microsim DOSUGA of our reforms. I In lit VSI VSI policy poltics Seeley je objname schodo help Ukraine and there is no niyakogo supercock”, – Sauvage nadzwyczajny I rownowazne Lite Ambassador to Ukraine Marius Yanukonis.
“Ydut duzhe seriesn have a word with our colleagues in Bundestag to work for this reason sluchautsya parlamentar, Canada”, – todav Cnah.
Seredin country National Forum “Transformation of Ukraine” vzhe showing efektivnosti so of work. Yogo predstavnika in Parlament have target Mepacrine deputatskie Ob’єdnannya. Flies included Yak proven, so I oposicin desalegn deputies. Rozhled of the Verkhovna Rada filed dozens Valevich zakonoproektu, yaki toil sprite peretvorennya in the country.