Singer of Ukrainian origin Natasha Queen surprised fans with an updated face. The star wrote on his official page in “Instrume” that did a professional photo shoot and shared one of the pictures. Netizens stunned by such changes in appearance. The facial skin unnaturally tight, her lips enlarged, and even a different eye shape.
“The first thing that came to mind: some kind of transvestite. Honestly. Look closely. Is not proportional to the face at all. Huge lips, eyebrows, tiny eyes. Nose this with conturing.. eh. Natasha, Natasha. And you there, pinned in the fashion…” – outraged the wearer Network.
“Not the Queen:( What have you done to yourself?” writes a fan.
“FROM the second visible hard plastic and the pumping face!” – added podistica.
Earlier, Natasha Koroleva already fond of beauty shots. However, if the matter only touched lips. The Queen did increase hyaluronic acid, and clearly overdone. Online it’s jokingly called the Queen and then her lips-dumplings.
See also: Natasha Koroleva promoted son Arkhip in show business. Guy Delhi money on shooting a music video. Network users to the nines smashed video son of the Queen, and Tarzan. According to them, the boy has talent, but not musical.