Juan Guido, who declared himself acting President of Venezuela, appeared in front of supporters at a rally in Caracas and said that a power outage in the country responsible government.

  • Reuters

“In the hospital from blackouts and people were killed. It is a real evil… to defeat this evil, you must exercise the change of power” — leads TASS his words.

As pointed out, Guido, he does not believe that the power outage in the country was the result of sabotage.

“We all know that the reasons for the poor state of the country’s power grid due to corruption in this sphere”, — he said.

Previously in Venezuela stated that large hydroelectric power plant “El Guri” there was a diversion. Later, power supply to the East of the country was restored.

The government declared Friday, March 8 rest day due to power outages.

Washington accused the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in a power outage.