KIEV. August 20. UNN. Law enforcers are considering several versions of the shooting attacker at the city hall of Kharkiv, among which the possible mental disorder arrow or an attack of hooliganism. Wrote about this on his page in Facebook the people’s Deputy of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko, reports UNN.

“The motives of the assailant is not yet established. Studied several versions. One of them is that the attack provoked by some action of the city authorities relative to shot the offender or members of his family,” he said.

Another version, according to Gerashchenko, is the possible mental disorders-enhanced use of alcohol or drugs.

“Samples taken for analysis in relation to this,” he said.

“That the assailant was not himself, evidenced by the fact that he shot not only the guards of the city Council and police, but the wheels of the car, a passing car,” – said the MP.

In addition, said Gerashchenko, a third possible version is that the attack was committed out of hooliganism.

He added that after the establishment of the identity of the criminal will be more exactly established the reasons for this senseless attack that led to the tragedy.

Recall that the event took place on 20 August at about 00:37. An unidentified man opened fire near the administrative building of the Kharkiv city Council. An armed attacker shot at the guards of the institution and on patrol, who arrived at the scene on call. Police used the weapons and disarmed the shooter.

As a result of incident to the hospital with gunshot wounds were taken to the guard companies and patrolman. Despite the efforts of doctors, the policeman died. The other wounded man is in stable a grave condition.