On Odeschin the first swallow – a parish which came under the influence of Moscow became a rural Church in the Baltic district. The decision of the believers tried to act the bishops of the Russian Church, but their exhortations have not had success.

Parish of the Holy Demetrius Church in the village Puzhaikove Baltic region took the decision to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate and the transition to ptsu, reports “Duma”.

According to reports, the temple is the first in the Odessa region, where he took this decision after the Unification of the Cathedral and the presentation of the Tomos on autocephaly by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

The St Demetrius Haram collected signatures among the faithful . As reported by a local resident, the father of one of the captured Ukrainian sailors Victor Soroka, the decision was taken at Christmas, January 7. On this day, immediately after the Liturgy was first collected 300 signatures on the further subordination of the diocese.

According to Victor the magpie, “the lost sheep” was trying to exhort the high ecclesiastical authorities, which came in Puzhaikove. People tried to explain that with the help of ptsu them “driven into subjection to the Turks”. However, the villagers did not succumb to the entreaties, according to magpies, 90% of the congregation strongly supports transition to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Now in the St. Demetrius Church waiting for the relevant decision of the Metropolitan Epiphanios, who will appoint the parish priest.

We will remind, the day before the transition in ptsu said first Orthodox parish vyuzhnom region of Ukraine in the Nikolaev area.