ODESSA-KIEV. March 18. UNN. The survey of the territory of the Russian Consulate in Odessa explosive subjects it was revealed not. About it the correspondent of UNN reported in the press service of GUNP in Odessa region.

“During survey of the territory of the Russian Consulate in Odessa explosive subjects it was revealed not. During the event were evacuated about 300 people. The issue of entering data in the Unified register of pretrial investigations under part 1 of article 259 of the Criminal code of Ukraine”, – stated in the message.

We will remind, in Odessa unknown called the police and reported about mining of the Consulate of the Russian Federation.

As reported UNN, on the day of the election of the President of the Russian Federation, 18 March, Russians will not be allowed into the diplomatic institutions of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, except for those who have diplomatic passports.