In this fifth generation of communication will not become mainstream technology in the world.
Experts do not believe in a 5G connection in the next five years in Ukraine / photo by zn.eaexpert predict the first commercial launches fifth generation communications in Ukraine until 2020.

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In the comments UNIAN media expert, member of the Board of the Internet Association of Ukraine (IAU), the adviser to the head of the National Council on television and radio broadcasting Oleksandr Glushchenko said that in the coming years, the full launch of the technology should be expected.

“5G in Ukraine in 2019 can only exist as a test platform. According to rumors, “Kyivstar” something is trying to make in this direction. But I don’t believe in 5G in the next five years in Ukraine. We have voice and 3G is not everywhere. Therefore, Ukraine will definitely not be the leader in the introduction of the fifth generation” – said Glushchenko.

According to the Director, business development at Huawei Ukraine Alexander Serbin, the fifth generation in the near future will become the main communication technology even in developed countries.

“I stress that 5G will not be in the near future mainstream technology. It will not replace LTE. Moreover, it can be expected that 4G will be the main technology that is used by normal users, at least until 2025,” – said the expert.

Serbin also said that the first commercial launches of the technology in Ukraine will take place no earlier than 2020.

“My prediction is that by 2020, the standards will be finalized, and there will be some commercial launches. I believe that Ukraine should not move too quickly, it makes sense to wait a year or two when the technology becomes more Mature. There will be more usage scenarios this regard. And then Ukraine can introduce 5G” he said.

As reported the UNIAN, at the end of January last year, NCRIC has sold a license for 4G networks in the 2600 MHz band three leading mobile operators – Kyivstar, Vodafone and lifecell for 2,456 billion UAH.

March 6, NCRIC has sold the frequency for 4G in the 1800 MHz band companies Kyivstar, Vodafone and lifecell for 5,424 billion UAH.

In April 2018, mobile operators launched a communication of the fourth generation 4G in the 2600 MHz frequencies, and in July, in the range of 1800 MHz.