Photos, video Motor heavy missiles SLS caught fire during a test burnScreenshot N+1

The launch may again move

13.12.18 157000

The test engine for superheavy launch SLS designed for manned missions to Mars ended in failure: shortly after switching on at the base of the engine burst into flame. It is reported N+1.

Testing took place on 12 December at the space center John Stennis, Mississippi. Shortly before the fire engine has a severe vibration.

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Four RS-25 engine will be used in the first stage of the launch vehicle SLS. This missile should be the most load-lifting in the last 40 years. In the future, intended to send manned missions to the nearest asteroids and to Mars, in the beginning of the lunar orbit.

A fault in the engine, the details of which are not disclosed, may affect the timing of the first launch. While the first unmanned flight is planned for mid-2020, manned – 2023.

Previously, NASA demonstrated the system test-cooling of the launch pad, which reduces the enormous emissions of energy while firing missiles.