KIEV. April 17. UNN. The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, today announced that sacrifice of personal funds millions of dollars in bitcoin-grants for administrators Proxy and VPN that provide means for blocking its messenger. About this he wrote on his page “Vkontakte”, reports UNN.

“Thank you for your support and dedication Telegram – together we managed to survive the first 24 hours of blocking. As shown last night, in their war with the progress of the Supervisory authorities of Russia are ready to block millions of IP addresses cloud hosting, despite the loss of third-party projects. In addition, the Russian authorities are struggling with independent services proxy / VPN, many of whom no longer work”, – stated in the message.

We will note, in Russia over the past day was blocked a few million IP addresses for Amazon and Google to stop the work of the messenger Telegram.

“In the Digital Resistance is a decentralized movement to protect digital freedom and progress – I started to pay bitcoin grants the administrators of the proxy and the vpn. In the course of this year I will be happy to sacrifice millions of their own dollars for that purpose. I encourage everyone to join and participate – setting up a proxy/vpn servers or their financing, ” wrote Durov.

As reported UNN, April 13, Tagansky court of Moscow ruled to block Telegram for failure to FSB encryption keys. April 16 started blocking messenger.

The owner of the messenger, Pavel Durov commented on the actions of Roscomnadzor, noting that the Telegram will continue to defend the right of Russian citizens to privacy of correspondence.