Two-time Olympic champion Maxim Trankov has said it is arrived in its address of threats of physical violence from fans. About this skater wrote on his page in Instagram. The cause of the conflict he said that ahead of the Games in Pyeongchang, none of the athletes did not support Alina Sagitova, as all wished success to Evgenia Medvedeva. Colleagues Trankova criticized the behavior of the fans, calling calmly respond to other people’s opinion.

  • RIA Novosti
  • © Nina Zotina

While the attention of figure skating fans riveted to the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix, among the Russian athletes erupted serious scandal. In the center was double Olympic champion and now coach Maxim Trankov. He became the target of attacks of many fans who are outraged by his words about the two stars of the women’s single skating — Zagotovki Alina and Evgenia Medvedeva.


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In an interview, the famous skater answered the question about the performance of girls at the Olympic games in Pyeongchang and admitted that while all sports community for the future silver medalist of the competition.

“At the Olympics all the athletes, of course, was rooting for Eugene. For Alina — no. She was a Junior player, which only came in adult skating. And Medvedev was already double champion of the world Championships and took the national team of Russia on their shoulders. She is four years gradually went to the gold”, — quotes the words Trankova “Sports day after day”.

However, he noted that the triumph of Sagitova at the Olympics is well deserved.

“Her program was much stronger technically. This season from Alina waiting, as it proves that it really was worthy of becoming an Olympic champion. I as a fan and former member of the national team by and large do not care who wins. Importantly, raised the Russian flag,” — said Trankov.

Expressing his opinion that Maxim could hardly expect that his words would cause such a resonance. Figure skating fans pounced on Trankova in social networks. The address of champion was made a lot of rude, which often turned into direct threats.

The athlete did not ignore the rudeness of the fans. So, in Trankov Instagram posted a message in which grossly insulted the fans, and told what the expression was directed at him.

“Go on, I do not get tired to ban you. The happiness that you so little and half of you are fakes. Of wishes: to die, get cancer, kill yourself and your entire <…> family to break the spine and go under, go blind and deaf! About how! True fans (the real fans. — RT)! And you say football,” — wrote in Instagram skater.

He also said that some fans are “direct threats of violence and harm”, so that he made the decision to disable commenting on the page.

“This is the article. And because they’re scared (to be angry) and to contact where necessary. Soon I’ll be with the guards to drive, as Yuzuru the Han, in order for the truth not a Martyr to be”, — concluded Trankov.

Information about hate fans to Trankovo impressed his colleagues. In support of the double Olympic champion spoke of the famous Russian coach Alexei Urmanov, who expressed bewilderment in connection with the rapid reaction of the fans.

“People are angry. It’s kinda weird, especially for figure skating. Although not only for him, but purely in an worldly way. Guys, what did Trankov to pour a dirt, to threaten? I try to avoid social networking, because sometimes watching the news, the stories — and the question: “the World has gone mad?” — Urmanov cites “Sport-Express”.

According to him, people are often prohibitively sharply react to incoming information.

“There is some bitterness. Need to be softer and more loyal towards others. Because life is so complicated. You need to treat each other like human beings”, concluded the expert.

In defense Trankov made and silver medalist of the world championship in 2012 Alena Leonova. According to her, a figure skater, “attack couch critics”.

“Only can do is write in social networks. Maxim nothing bad said, and such a terrible reaction. It’s unexpected and weird. Especially Trankov — respected man, Olympic champion, and suddenly it such an attack,” — said the athlete.

Supported Trankov and Maria Butyrskaya. According to the first Russian world champion in women’s singles, ahead of the Games most athletes really supported Medvedev.


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“Eugene is really a long way to gold, twice won the world Cup, but suddenly appeared Sagitova. At that time she was technically stronger, so we won absolutely deserved. Don’t know what fans heard. But it’s great that we have such a terrific skater — Alina. After the Olympics she ran training and is now in brilliant form,” said Butyrskaya.

The accomplished athlete has appealed to the fans, urging them not to write angry comments in social networks and engage them.

“The easy part is to condemn others. You go and try yourself to achieve something. Absolutely sure that Trankov did not want to offend anyone even attempting to do so did not. He just expressed his opinion. And it’s not only his total. For years people are going to win at the Olympics, a lot of energy to give, but it happens that time — and the fans fell in love with Alina,” — said the athlete.

It is noteworthy that the conflict in the near future can be continued. So, in the Russian Grand Prix will perform a pair of sports Evgenia Tarasova — Vladimir Morozov, mentor which is Trankov. As a coach, he will monitor his players skating at the ice edge, and it is possible that fans of Sagitova you decide to re-remind myself. In this arena there will be plenty, because Alina herself declared as winners.