Arnold Spivakovsky was the civil husband of the singer in late 90s and played an important role in her life.
Died the former civil husband of Lolita Milavskaya Arnold Spivakovsky / photoУмер the former civil husband of singer Lolita Milavskaya, businessman Arnold Spivakovsky.

The singer announced on his page in Instagram by publishing a photo of him.

“In my life, you played a major role. You. Useless words of comfort, spoken to any people.Love all whom you loved on this Earth. I promise not to leave”, – signed photo of Lolita.

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In my life, YOU played a Major role.. YOU.. Useless words of comfort, spoken to any people.. Love all whom YOU Loved on this Earth. I promise not to leave…

Publication of Lolita (@lolitamilyavskaya) Mar 12, 2019 at 8:21 PDT

As reported Super, Director of hotel business Spivakovsky, who ruled the legendary Moscow hotel “Beijing” was the civil husband of Lolita in the late 90s and played a significant role in her career. In the media mentioned the numerous relationships of the businessman with the criminal business. In the beginning Spivakovsky was accused of drug possession, and two years ago the man was detained in Spain on suspicion of financial fraud. Cause of death Spivakovsky is not yet known. The businessman was 51 years old.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on March 9, died the legendary actor Vladimir Etush, who played in the film “Caucasian captive” and “Ivan Vasilyevich changes occupation”.