Deputy Minister: to provide housing for the Ukrainians need 70 years

KIEV. March 25. UNN. Ukraine needs about one billion square meters of housing. At the current pace of construction to meet the housing needs must be at least 70 years. In an interview with the specialized real estate portal “Metric,” said Deputy Minister of regional development, construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine Lev Partskhaladze, reports UNN.

“If every year we build about 15 million square meters of housing, and need a billion, so to meet all the needs of the current rate, we will need another 70 years. And keep in mind the aging of existing housing and communications,” – said Partskhaladze, comparing average housing area per Ukrainian with European record: the Ukrainian has 23 square meters of housing, while in the European about 50 sq. m.

At the same time, he stressed that it is necessary to take into account the income level of the population.

“If it is to increase the level of income of population will grow and the level of home sales. In many ways, this will contribute tools such as a mortgage, rental housing and leasing. It is therefore important that these tools have been developed”, – explained the Deputy Minister and added that he hoped that the mechanisms which contribute to increasing the effective demand.

As reported UNN, Ukraine has a high demand for housing. According to statistics, in overcrowded housing are home to 45% of the population, whereas in Europe – only 17%. The participants of real estate market assess the level of demand for new housing as extremely high.

“The request for new objects, in particular in “Kyivmiskbud”, is very large. As people’s need for housing in General. As for construction costs, in the opinion of our analysts and other industry experts, it will continue to grow. The projected increase by 15-20%,” – said the President of HC “Kyivmiskbud” Igor Kushnir.

At the same time, the developer notes that investors who want to buy housing from the developer, offer loyalty programs, installment plan or the ability to use the mortgage loans. This allows you to purchase housing, even without having the entire amount of the cost of housing for payment immediately.