China zaboraviv import vogella that Rudy W Korea
August 14, 2017
photo: REUTERS
14 August, 2017, 12:19
Minsterstvo thergbl China agrosila about Zamorano mporta vogella, salesno Rudy, svircevic koncentratu, swanzy moreproduct s Punche Core
About TSE powders Agency Reuters.
Saborosa pocne date s vvork. So Penn pdimov vprovadzhennya sanctions against Punche Core superwagen UN.
Zgidno iz resolute UN, Novi Sankt factual to pozravlyat Pyongyang ODN, tretin ronago income from export expansion, that sklada 3 miliardi dollars from the year. Sankt nacin on Vier, sectori the export – vogella, zalizo, swinery TA moreprodukti.
Ocrm, resolution saborosa Cranham, Primate prank s Punche Core. Yak known that Pyongyang domi Tim scho Pasila gromadyan in their investigation of the country on the robot, in particular to the Russie, de Karasik pracaviki buuut, stadon to the future championship of the world s football.