The edition “South China Morning Post” published the plans of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to create in the depths of the South China sea a new research facility. The people at the station will not, it is designed as a standalone facility under the control of artificial intelligence.

The name of the station selected the word “Hades”, he is the Greek God Hades, whose habitat is the deep underworld. It is planned to create a sort of underwater equivalent of the ISS is a Central unit with multiple docking bays, which can be mounted in arbitrary units for different tasks. The whole structure will drift in a certain point of the ocean, sending a compact probes for the desired purposes. And then will move to a new place of work.

Task station – the collection of minerals, animals, fishing, cartography, the study of the specific effects of the environment on new tools and materials. Chinese scientists at the forefront to experiment with AI, it is interesting to see how robots can interact with each other in real extreme conditions. To get if they do not just “survive”, and to perform the tasks or even the AI can’t decide where to send their employees to avoid the risk?

The project cost is estimated at $160 million, but this amount does not include costs for the creation of new technologies working at depths, tools that will carry the probes themselves. It is likely that the project will lead to a very interesting and profitable discoveries, so the search for sponsors is responsible. As noted at a recent meeting with academics, the head of China, XI Jinping: “In the depths of the sea there are no roads, so we have to route them”.
Source — South China Morning Post