Celebrity marriage which broke up after the baby is born

21.08.2018 22:43

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They say that family begins with children, but often the birth of a child marriage is falling apart. Postpartum depression, lack of time and sleepless nights, the tantrums of the baby and different views on his upbringing — all this affects the relationship of the partners.

Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky

Was married from 2015 to 2018

Dakota got pregnant in early 2017. The singer admitted that the situation did not affect her habits. Rita continued to work and hang out, wore heels and drank wine on holidays, had sex and flew a lot of aircraft. However, motherhood has become for the singer test. October 23, 2017 to a family of musicians daughter, MIA, and the baby brought difficulties. During breast-feeding young mother was experiencing terrible pain, and after I stop feeding because of the milk stagnation. Rita’s condition worsened understand that. depression, which she did only six months after giving birth. After only three months after Dakota got out of the depression, it became known about divorce of the couple. As it turned out, for all relations Sokolovsky has changed.

Janet Jackson and Wissam al Mana

Was married from 2012 to 2017

With her third husband, billionaire Wissam al Mana, the singer lived for 5 years. In 2017, when Jackson was 50 years old, she gave birth to first child — a boy issu. And just three months later, Jackson filed for divorce. Before pregnancy, people close to her said that the actress harder to live a stranger to her Muslim culture and its associated restrictions. Janet had to dramatically reduce the creative activity and Wissam were very jealous and controlled every step of his wife.

A few months after the divorce, Janet had confirmed that the ex-husband pressuring her psychologically, and at the concert in Houston, she broke down in tears while performing the song What About domestic violence — the singer admitted that it was about her.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Cherniavsky

Was married from 2011 to 2013

Their relationship developed rapidly and beautifully. Maxim quickly became friends with the singer’s daughter from his first marriage Alina Belkevich, which the pair took in all the many trips around the world. One of these trips, Anna and Maxim were in Los Angeles and realized that I want to live in this city. The lovers got married, bought US a house and learned that to have a baby. However, during pregnancy, Anna, apparently began to worry about a career and just a month after the birth of her daughter in July 2011, went to film in Moscow, and houses began to appear only on short visits. For eighteen years the relations of the spouses lost interest… After the divorce the former spouses to accuse each other of treason. Today the couple arguing in court about the General’s daughter Monica.

Cheryl Cole and Dmitry Kleiman

Was married from 2015 to 2017

One of the most talked about divorces in the Russian show-business lately is the separation of the singer Victoria Dayneko and drummer DrumCast Dmitry Kleiman. Their story is the one case when having a child has exacerbated the already difficult relations. The marriage lasted three years, and at the time of the official divorce in October 2017, the daughter of musicians Lida was 1 year and 11 months. The initiator of the break was the husband. Dmitry admitted that the relationship with his wife has always been difficult, but after the birth of her daughter her behaviour was altogether unbearable: Victoria reproach Dmitry that he earns little and family for the most part it contains.

Miranda Kerr and Orlando bloom

Were married from 2010 to 2013

At the time of the divorce of the actor and their son Flynn was 1 year and 10 months. The reason the couple called the divergence of interests within two months after the birth of their son, Miranda appeared on the podium, and husband with a son she had not much time. In parting, the stars said they were going to remain friends and raise my son. This, contrary to expectations, were not empty words. For divorce, there was no recriminations, no public scandals, and both parents are actively involved in a child’s life and maintain a cordial relationship.