The world is full of electronic goods, are not suitable for use because of “programmed aging”. But this does not mean that they only dump in his video blog British engineer Matthew perks showed how it is possible to benefit from the old flat monitor. He proceeded from the fact that most often breaks down the electronic components or the outer part of the display, but under it, the backlight still operational.

In the perks training video shows how to disassemble the monitor to separate the components of the screen from each other and produce the most luminous panel. It is made in the form of an array, which consists of a scattering layer, layer, Fresnel, another diffuser and set of LEDs. Their engineer recommended immediately to replace the normal led tape from the store, in order not to have problems with the power supply.

It remains to deduce power cables and to build a case for a new lamp, for example, of aluminum scraps. The end result is a large, flat light, bright enough to light stairs, dark basement or attic. It looks like a Sunny window, and can decorate any interior.

Source — DIY Perks