Boyfriend hammered at Paris poltavskogo vystupiv iz sorokovoy promoveu
Uncategorized April 26, 2017
Pid hour ceremon Prasanna Yogo partner Etin Kardlas wigalois neimovirna voroshnevo promova.
“Xavi in the fourth Franz I Yak always psow on the robot, and T. sche detergents. Push stroke of the day mi obgovarivali Nashi planning on kankuri odni in a distant country, and ti govoril, Yak Tobi can’t wait tudi pahati scho T. Nikoli was not the CCB so far. Mi obgovarivali deal producing use I de mi, we will live. Ti CCB taqiy radium. After the tickets we have bought the school from Butorac.
Ti went on Cherkovna about 14 Godin in their form, Yak T. so Berg, that scho is important for you to Bulo vigliadeti perfect. Together with tovarischami VI povinn Buli otpravitsya comsat in the 8th district. Yak TSE often buvalo, VI povinn Buli zabezpecovaci order to Eliseyskih Fields. I know that when Tobi spodobalosya, if you tudi otpravlyaut, Bo TSE – Lysacek Field, the image Franc. And has the fact, that there VI was koronel culture life of the country.
In Tsey hour I in this f steel naire. For you I to toh tovarish. Steel those chogo mi bomosa VSI, and VSI spodviglo scho this is not will become Nikoli.
I powernova wecher Dodoma. Without you. Z selectnow I deep pain, which, perhaps, once oslabnet. I don’t know. Tsey BL Yak Nikoli has nanlishilu me to twoh tovarish, that stradaut in silence. I Ter suffer in silence. I scho stoots me, I suffer no nenavist.
Yak tilki z’yavylysya pers notification about those scho vdbase on Eliseyskih Fields I about sahiblog poltavskogo, miy vnutri voice saying meni scho TSE ti. I Tsey voice nagada meni Qiu blagorodno I cluse the formula: “VI is not otrymaty mo nenavist”
Meni have no nenavist, Xav yea, that scho hatred similar to you.
I want Tobi skazati, scho ti nazavzhdi saisisse in Momo heart. I love you. Let’s sbergami gidnist, let’s sbergami the world I live in in it” – saying VIN.