
Trukhanov has letters of thanks from veterans ‘ organizations, soldiers-internationalists and members of the ATO (OOS).
photo UNIAN

The mayor of Odessa Gennady Trukhanov has received numerous medals and awards from various state institutions and public organizations, including veterans ‘ associations members of the ATO (OOS).

About this on their page Facebook writes the poet and public figure Volodymyr Tsybulko.

Reportedly, Trukhanov has letters of thanks from veterans ‘ organizations, soldiers-internationalists, participants of the ATO (OOS) for the assistance provided to the families of dead soldiers, active civil position, patriotism and raising morale. He also has letters from soldiers of the special battalion group of road police “Storm” for the assistance in strengthening of material-technical base and social issues, honors the interior Ministry of Ukraine for active counteracting of juvenile delinquency.

“It is always worth remembering that the state is not the President, not the government. This is not a political system or current mood. The state is, primarily, a system of institutions that are immutable, regardless of political developments or election results. And in this context the question arises whether the person who received the number of awards from so many of the notorious state and public institutions, can be considered a subversive? Like any politician, Trukhanov is possible to love or not to love. But to deny the fact of high appreciation of his work by the state at least silly. In different years. Under different presidents and different political currents,” writes Tsybulko.