Photos, videos Attorney from Coloma set the record for the swim under the ice

Oleksiy Gutsulyak overcame extreme conditions 61 meters

13.03.18 44000

A resident of Coloma Ivano-Frankivsk region lawyer Oleksiy Gutsulyak has established a record of Ukraine in freediving, after swimming 61 meters under the ice. About it reports the local edition of the Course.

38-year-old man covered the distance in half. The previous record was 40 meters.

It is noted that the man was able to set a record, despite the bad weather conditions because the water in the lake was dangerously muddy.

For a swim, watched the rescuers and the expert of the national registry of records Vitaliy Zorin. For the safety of the swimmer every 10 meters was excavated hole, and free diver backup rope.

  • See ALSO: 99-year-old swimmer from Australia set a world record

In 2013, Alex Gutsulyak set a world record for the longest human stay without clothes in the snow 60 minutes 8 seconds.