At school in Kharkov was poisoned more than 40 studentsPhoto from open sources
Children undergo outpatient treatment and are in satisfactory condition
30.03.18 57000
In the Kharkiv region Prosecutor’s office began an investigation into the detection of infectious diseases, 44 students in one school.
As reported in the press service of the Prosecutor of the Kharkiv region, Izyum Borowski Department of the local Prosecutor’s office today began criminal proceedings on the fact of improper performance of duties for the protection of lives and health of children (part 1 of article 137 of the criminal code of Ukraine).
- See ALSO: 2017 infection botulism claimed the lives of 11 Ukrainians
According to the head of the Prosecutor of the region Valery Sluka, in one of the schools of the Borovsky district of the region occurred infection students.
“On March 29 of the current year in a rural clinic turned 16 students complaining of feeling unwell. Was the preliminary diagnosis “rotavirus infection” and assigned to outpatient treatment. The next day, March 30, in the school was 44 students. After examination by doctors of the Central hospital together with specialists from the regional hospital for infectious diseases 40 children were diagnosed “rotavirus infection”, four “intestinal infection”, – said Lyalyuk.
In addition, with the same complaints of feeling unwell in Borovoe Central hospital and asked the employee of the institution. Now children undergo outpatient treatment and are in satisfactory condition. The woman is hospitalized. Initiated pre-trial investigation.
We will note, earlier in Odessa region year-old child died from swine flu – A (H1N1).