For the development of quantum technologies require the physical installation, implementing the effects of superconductivity, which requires a medium, cooled to absolute zero. Support for such conditions requires the use of effective insulating materials, so scientists are constantly searching for new solutions in this area. Recently, physicists from Lancaster University (UK) drew attention… to the cubes of LEGO.

The LEGO special, and this is one of the secrets of the popularity of the designer. Since 1963, they are made of Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), which combines the quality of thermoplasticity and durability. In fact, the part can break or melt, and then cast out of new material almost infinite number of times. Engineers LEGO was one of the pioneers in the field of 3D printing, when through numerous trials and errors picked cubes the ideal structure, formed from the same plastic the perfect.

Details of LEGO durable, yet lightweight, because they have a large number of uniformly distributed air bubbles. The ratio of the mass to the volume is negligible, is of hollow construction with excellent insulation properties that has been proved in the new physical experiences. Scientists have done a stack of 3-4 bricks and used high and low heat to the upper parts, the lower has maintained a stable performance.

Of course, by the opportunities the ABS is inferior to the specialized polymers used in krivostanenko, but it costs much cheaper. What is even more interesting, the ABS is excellent is subjected to extrusion, so it’s easy to make filament for a 3D printer on which to print the new experimental forms of insulators. It is estimated that a single sheet of special plastic, Vespel DuPont area of 100 sq cm is the same as the entire installation for processing ABS, which can be used many times.
Source — Gizmodo