News companies Like Odessa is turning into the city of a hundred festivals

Performance of “Okean Elzy” and a Grand light show to confirm the transformation of the main festival in Odessa city of Ukraine
September 2, Odessa will celebrate 223 anniversary of the founding of the city. In honor of this event Fund “holidays” developed an extensive program that includes the concert, light show and a number of other entertainment events.
September 2, on the Potemkin stairs will be a gala concert of Ukrainian group “Ocean Elzy”, the Georgian singer Nino Katamadze and the Greek singer Demy. In the evening of the same day a Grand light show. 1 and 3 September in the city for the second time held the international festival of 3D mapping.
All these events reflect only a small part of the cultural and entertainment life of Odessa at the present time, which will actively develop in the near future. On the place of Odessa will take in the festival life of Ukraine, we spoke with Fund Manager Elena Orlova.
Elena, what the Fund does?
Our primary mission is to saturate the Odessa festival events. We have often said that Odessa was perhaps the most important festival city of the country, and we want to strengthen this status in the framework of the concept of “Odessa – a city of one hundred festivals”.
Due to what you do?
We revive and strengthen traditional festivals and start a new one.
For example?
This spring, we revived the “Humorina”, which was suspended in 2014 in connection with military events in the country. We returned it cheerfully and loudly, because this is the business card of the city. Then in July at the seaport, right on the pier, a concert “95 quarter”. The next day we have the city held the “League of laughter”. In addition, Odessa is always very warm the night of new year on Dumskaya square, the townspeople come here in the minus 20 and snow – whatever the weather.
Do you focus on the humor and music?
No, not only. For example, in June of this year we had twins. The reason for this celebration was the first birthday of the famous Odessa the first case, who were born a year ago. We were able to collect the full Green theatre guests; it was probably the warmest family holiday of all public events that we held. In the nearest plans of the city – the holding of festivals of Blues and the silent movie. And it will be a very serious festivals.
Where will you conduct them?
Try to find locations that can accommodate a lot of spectators. For example, we have revived the Istanbul Park. Although, of course, the city lacks a large concert venue.
Going to build a concert hall? Already have a project?
While that project, but there are concept and some possible variants of its implementation. We are considering various locations, because it is necessary and an outdoor area and an indoor complex. I would like 10 thousand people a covered area and 7-10 thousand people – open. After all, we often come to popular artists, but not always halls commercial clubs can accommodate everyone. Since we are a resort city and port city, this need is very serious. Accordingly, we will work in this direction.