A new photo of the singer sparked controversy in the network.
Lorak was accused of bad taste / photoОпальную Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who had moved to Russia, was criticized for a new photo in the image of Queen Cleopatra.

Black-and-white the artist published on his page in Instagram. On it the singer posing in a stylized costume, sitting on the throne.

Read tangerud Ani Lorak excited the network (photos)

“All women are goddesses! Standing at the helm of your life, to feel, to understand and accept. To give and to give thanks every day”, — wrote under the picture “diva”.

“This is too much!”, “The influence of Kirkorov — he loves clowning and masquerade”, “Funny outfit”, “This is the kind of megalomania”, “To Cleopatra, as the moon” – write in the comments under the picture.

Earlier, Ani Lorak won the admiration network his new picture in which she poses in a slinky dress beige.