Before the war, Vadim, together with his family lived and worked in Debaltsevo and anywhere from their native city was not going to leave, but the war brought about changes in life. The entrepreneur has lost everything through the fault of the invaders and terrorists and was forced to leave the country, but remains a patriot of Ukraine.

The fate of each forced migrant Donbass full of bitterness and own heavy memories. But the majority of Ukrainians found the strength to start life with a clean slate. And many not only survived, finding themselves in a difficult situation, but found the strength to help others. As a former resident of Donetsk region Vadim Babenko, he went to the United States, but continues to do volunteer work. Recently, courageous Ukrainian organized recreation in the United States for veterans of the ATO, reports “debaltseve online.”

Before the war, the Babenko family – father, mother and three children, lived in abundance. Vadim owned a chain of shops, had a nice house, a car and a bus. When it became clear that in shelled, ruined by war, the city will enter the occupation forces, Babenko took the family away from “Grad” and “Hurricanes” of the Russians. Moreover, to remain in debaltseve had become for him a Pro-Ukrainian activist, volunteer and supporter of Euromaidan, is extremely dangerous. His house was partially destroyed by fire, and the property plundered “itemname” – took even the dishes and baby clothes.

The family found the strength to start life with a clean slate and moved to the United States. Today he’s in the States has his own small transport company. Standing on his feet, he decided to help those who remained in the home country. And invited the rest of the veterans-volunteers 40 of the battalion “Kryvbas” Sergey Gordeyev and Vasily, Stoyenko – new year they will meet in the United States. Both the veteran need special consideration and attention: Basil exploded in Ilovaisky, Sergey defended the Debaltsevo (there with Vadim Babenko met). The invitation for Volunteers was issued by Association of Ukrainians in Washington state, and Vadim Babenko paid for the flight and invited him to his house.

“Will live with me. Now organize them with the programme. At least some debt will give the boys for the fact that the cost of health held the defense of our borders,” – said Ukrainian volunteer.

We will remind, the youngest volunteer of Ukraine Lida Nemli from Nikolaev started my own project to help soldiers on the front line and urged the countrymen to join his endeavor.