A glacier in Greenland began to rise again

KIEV. March 26. UNN. In Greenland glacier Jakobshavn (by the jakobshavn) started to increase again. It is reported by UNN with reference to the National Geographic.

Researchers report that in 2016 the ocean current in this region was cold, which allowed the glacier Jakobshavn to rise again. The waters around the mouth of the glacier are now the coldest since 1980.

This changes the 20-year trend of melting of the glacier. However, the whole of the Greenland ice sheet continues to melt. Glacier Jakobshavn is only 7% of this ice cover. Even if it will continue to rise, mass loss from the ice cover will prevail its small growth.

We will remind, according to the UN, the rate of melting of glaciers in Antarctica has tripled.