The accused said that he had hit the inspector on the head, thrown to the ground, took a rubber truncheon and killed several blows of a knife in the neck.
The next hearing is scheduled for 5 Dec / photo UNIAN

Today, the Malinovsky district court of Odessa have watched the video of the investigative experiment on the reconstruction of the murder and dismemberment of a woman-the inspector of the prison, committed in August 2017.

As reported the UNIAN in court today, December 3, continued the hearing on charges of committing premeditated murder of the employee of the detention facility Alena Poroshenko.

According to records, the defendant Basil Chemeris told the investigating authorities that Poroshenko went to the cattle yard of the prison to his invitation to “look at the pigs”. He struck the inspector on the head and thrown to the ground, then took a rubber truncheon and pepper spray. The accused tied the victim’s hands and feet, covered his mouth with a rag and killed several blows of a knife in the neck. Then dismembered the body with an axe and along with the clothes of the murdered were thrown into the tank for waste.

The next hearing is scheduled for December 5.

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As UNIAN reported earlier, on August 17, 2017 in Odessa on the territory of the prison, the attacker killed and dismembered the employee of the insulator. The unmasked suspect is 39-year-old prisoner, who was in prison. An attacker previously brought to criminal responsibility under article 115 (premeditated murder) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. At the time of the murder the inspector of the insulator has been under investigation in connection with the Commission of a robbery (article 187 of the UCU). The police on the murder launched an investigation under part 2 of article 115 UK of Ukraine (premeditated murder committed by a person who previously committed premeditated murder), the Prosecutor of the region on the fact of official negligence and improper performance of duties by prison staff, which has helped the prisoner commit this crime (part 2 of article 367 of the criminal code), torture, etc.

August 19, Malinovsky district court of Odessa against the suspect elected a measure of restraint in form of detention for 60 days. The suspect for his safety was conveyed in the Nikolaev pre-trial detention. October 12, the court extended his detention. Later it was reported that in Odessa the local Prosecutor’s office No. 2 sent to Malinovsky district court of Odessa the indictment. 12 March 2018, the defendant stated in court that he killed the inspector allegedly at the request of two people who threatened him, the employee of the Odessa prison and the prisoner, who has already released. Allegedly, the crime was ordered to replace him as “the warden”. Later in the court he stated that he feared for his life. October 29, one of the jurors refused to participate in the trial.