Damaged vehicles are seen following heavy rains in Pune, India, September 26, 2019. © Reuters / Jignesh Mistry Follow RT on

At least 59 people have been killed this week alone after an “unprecedented” level of monsoon downpours in northern India, according to an official.

Most of the fatalities were caused by house collapses, lightning strikes and by drowning in heavy floods in the state of Uttar Pradesh. At least five people were killed by snake bites in flooded areas, said Sandhaya Kureel, a spokeswoman of the Disaster Management and Relief Department.

@GirishBapatBJP ji this is devastation caused by #punerains
Request you on behalf of taxpayers, tax professionals to have urgent call with @nsitharaman ji and request her #TaxAuditExtendToday the due date of which is 30th september
No electricity, no net in many parts of city pic.twitter.com/1EOqurd61q

— Atul Modani (@atulmodani) September 26, 2019

100+ mm of heavy rain within 3-4 hours floods Pune, roads have turned into rivers. Stay safe & avoid travel. ? #PuneRains

Emergency helplines:
Disaster Mgmt. : 020-25501269, 9689931511
Fire Brigade: 020-101, 9689931991
Police: 020-26208100, 020-25657171pic.twitter.com/e6yt0Zk5lg

— Sir Jadeja fan (@SirJadeja) September 25, 2019

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The temple city of Varanasi was battered by 19 centimeters (seven inches) of rain on Thursday and Friday. While nearly 3,000 people were moved to higher ground due to flooding in Pune city and neighboring areas in what the Maharashtra state chief minister called an “unprecedented storm”. 

“Last night in Pune there was a lot of heavy rain that developed into an unprecedented storm,” said Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis.

“Because of this, a large amount of water entered low-lying areas and caused a lot of damage. There is the possibility that some people were swept away and some people were killed after a wall collapsed over there,” he added.

Very pathetic situation in pune?

In Some Area No electricity, No water supply, No Gas.
This part of city affected the most. #punerains#PuneFloods
God pls Save Pune? pic.twitter.com/nq6OogGlqY

— Vishnu Reddy? (@BeingVishuReddy) September 27, 2019

Horrible rains near Sinhagad campus, Vadgaon #punerainspic.twitter.com/trKdtmvZIG

— Kishor Sonawane (@GoldeN3east) September 25, 2019

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The rain is expected to subside after Monday, according to the director of the state Meteorological Department, JP Gupta. During this monsoon season, which runs from June to September, more than 350 people have been killed by rain-related causes in India, Nepal and Bangladesh, reports Reuters.

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